The Local Educational Finance Disclosure System is a regulation that discloses the status of local educational financial operation of 17 Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education based on "Local Finance Act ".
Disclosure means the way to pro-actively notify or provide information that is held and managed by educational institutions, regardless of public requests for access.
The Local Education Finance Disclosure System has been introduced since the revision of the Local Finance Act in 2006, to disclose information on the allocation and execution of local education finances in the same standards and procedures as defined by the Act every year.
In 2014, the government revised "Local Finance Act" to extend and strengthened Finance Disclosure System and prepared the foundation for integrated comparative disclosure and the establishment of the local education finance information system.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Education has opened a Local Educational Financial Statistics Information System.
The purpose of the Local Educational Financial Statistics Information System is to enhance fiscal soundness and efficiency by encouraging the public's participation and communication in financial management by transparently disclosing the operation status of local education finances.
In addition, it provides local education finance statistics and analysis data on various subjects, along with budget and account disclosure information.
These are services provided on the English homepage of Local Educational Financial Statistics Information System. For more information, please visit Local Educational Financial Statistics Information System website in Korean.
The local educational finance system and Local Educational Financial Statistics Information System service introduction materials are provided.
The status of the budget disclosure over the past five years can be shown based on Revenue Sources of Educational Budget, Expenditure of Educational Budget by Function, and Expenditure of Educational Budget by Object Class(based on national total).
The status of the financial settlement over the last five years can be shown based on Revenue Sources of Educational Budget, Expenditure of Educational Budget by Function, and Expenditure of Educational Budget by Object Class(based on national total).
In addition to the integrated information, statistical data on educational finances of high public interest is provided for various subjects.